Taking the format of a glitched up computer program, these video stings for television channel E4 aesthetically pay homage to teletext and the BBC Micro.
Author: Illarterate
MTV Retrolution: Office Breakout [Video]
Animation made as part of the MTV Retrolution project for, you guessed it, MTV.
MTV Retrolution: Space Invades! [Video]
Animation for the MTV Retrolution series, which takes in all aspects of retro technology.
MTV Retrolution: Ultra Pong
Mucking about with Flash. I really need to get back to using the program sooner rather than later.

Artlessness is a project encompassing most of my creative output in 2005. The vast majority of content exists in sketchbook format, but here’s a collection of what’s online at this moment in time. A Lunatic at Large. Artwork and suitably clichéd website. Giant Exclamation mark created from lots of little matchbox prints. Certainly experimental. Artless […]