It was with great delight I learned the International Teletext Art Prize would be returning for another year of 8-bit scanline-tinged nostalgia. That’s not to say I wasn’t slightly apprehensive, as this home-brewed festival had grown appreciably in popularity from its relatively humble beginnings of ITAF12. With recognition brings pressure, a niggling “you have two […]
Author: Illarterate

International Teletext Art Festival 2013 launches!
Today sees the launch of the International Teletext Art Festival 2013, a Europe-wide event celebrating that forgotten medium of artistic expression, Videotext. Or, if you live in the UK, that method of watching the cricket in text format while making your lunchtime beans on toast. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it! Naturally, your (least) […]

Teletext graphics now on At the Races Text
A selection of my teletext graphics can currently be viewed on page 106 of the At The Races teletext service. Here’s a couple of pieces to whet your appetite, but you’ll have to go and look for yourself to see what other stuff I’ve been working on. 😉 Oh no, I can’t get analogue teletext […]

My submissions for International Teletext Art Festival 2012: Walkthrough
I first heard about International Teletext Art Festival 2012 through the Teletext Mailing List a couple of months back, but the desire to have works published via public teletext first arose some five years ago, during the research stages of my Pixel is Power dissertation. I considered contacting British teletext broadcasters to discuss the possibility […]

‘Teleglitcher’ featured in Dick Whyte’s “Detournement: Critical Cinema and The Internet”
Teleglitcher, an early video from my 2007 Pixel is Power project, has been featured in a special presentation at the New Zealand Film Archive. Kiwi visual artist Dick Whyte, with the help of Mark Williams, put together a screening of various experimental media, described as such: “What do Miss Piggy, Britney Spears, Mussolini, Super Mario […]

Sketchbook art: Venice & Verona, 2005
I always promised myself I’d get round to archiving my old sketchbooks, and this Easter weekend has given me the opportunity to do so. I’ve got about five years of stuff in the attic to go through, so that might take a while but to start, here’s a selection of the best artwork from my […]

Teletext: The Life and Death of a Medium
Clearing out some of the bulkier files on, I came across a timeline created for my final year Graphic Arts Research Project (GARP) I’d completely forgotten about. It may be text only, but wasn’t teletext? Well, I know it incorporated some primitive artwork, but wasn’t the text the bit you were interested in? No? […]

A load of old Babel: Illarterate hits the back pages! Sort of
Anybody who’s bought a newspaper and looked at the back page today will probably have noticed a particularly poor Photoshop of Howard Webb wearing a Manchester United shirt. This one, in fact: Well, guess who made it? That’s right, some fool whose text you are reading right now. Namely myself. Feel free to peruse the […]