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Category: Blogging

Blogging: Is perfect grammar really that important?
The BBC recently launched a programme which attempts to find Britain’s best young orator. Among the issues raised by the series is that of technology (read: the Internet and texting) and its effect on the English language. Whilst some champion tradition and mourn the death of grammar in the country’s youth, I say we should […]

Ten tips for aspiring bloggers
Ten things to keep in mind when starting out on the blog path. Content is King. Blog about a variety of different topics within your specialist area in general terms so as not to be overly exclusive. Write about your passions. What are your secret/not so guilty secret loves? Adopt a conversational rather than formal […]

Blog design: what’s in a colour?
So, you’ve just applied a brand new theme to your blog, freshly downloaded from the Internet. But does the colour of your blog represent your topic well? You might say that colour is the least of your worries – after all, content is king, right? That may be correct, but it’s certainly worth taking a […]

Being creative on demand
Chris Sharrock is the Dean of Arts at Camberwell University. Earlier this year I had the opportunity to visit one of his lectures, during which he spoke of his experiences as a Professor and how he has developed his own technique for being creative on demand. Of course, this is never as easy as it […]
Concise posting – Quick blog tip
I find that, if a post is too long, people get bored and leave your site. I won’t give a specific word count, but bear in mind that web surfers have short attention spans: The average visitor stays on any one website for 30 seconds. It’s your job to suck them in, enticing them to […]
Tips for organising your blog
Don’t be a sloppy blogger. You can be as haphazard as you like behind the scenes, but where the post is concerned you want to come across as professional and, above all, understandable. I know it’s tedious, but revise your post a couple of times and proofread everything a little while after you’ve written it […]
Tips for bloggers with writer’s block
There will come a time when you feel you have writer’s block, when you feel like everything you write is rubbish and nothing is working for you. I find the best posts happen when you are trying not to be funny, trying not to be too informative. Just write about what you know, what you […]